Bridges Program

What is the Bridges Program?

Bridges is a rental assistance program that serves persons with a serious mental illness. The ICHRA administers the housing subsidy portion of this program which is combination of grant funds from Minnesota Housing and Itasca County Health & Human Services. Northland Counseling Center (NCC) coordinates support services for the clients. Participants contribute 30% of their income toward rent and the grant subsidizes the remainder. This program provides a temporary subsidy that "bridges" the gap between homelessness, treatment centers, institutional facilities and permanent affordable housing. Bridges participants must apply for and accept a Section 8 HCV when available.

ICHRA administers approximately 30 certificates to house qualified applicants in one through four-bedroom units.

Eligibility and Admission Preferences
The program is open to very low income individuals and families who are at or below the following income guidelines. The guidelines are set by Congress and HUD and are based on the Itasca County median family income adjusted for family size.

In addition to meeting income qualifications, the household must have an adult member who has a serious mental illness.

How To Apply - Waiting List
While You Wait


Our Office:
1115 NW 4th Street
Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Contact Info

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 218-326-7978

Fax: 218-326-8031